So Long, My Old FriendSo Long, My Old FriendThanks to yesterday's new guidelines from the CDC, Brain says goodbye to his old mask.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
CDC Releases New Mask Wearing GuidelinesCDC Releases New Mask Wearing GuidelinesThe CDC updated their suggestions on where fully vaccinated people should still wear masks. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
CRCSD Safety Guidelines Announced for Kingston Stadium GamesCRCSD Safety Guidelines Announced for Kingston Stadium GamesPutting their best foot forward to have the Friday Night Lights shine this fall, Cedar Rapids Community School District outlines safety guidelines for events at Kingston Stadium.Eric StoneEric Stone
Iowa Dept. Of Education Says No Facemasks for K-12Iowa Dept. Of Education Says No Facemasks for K-12School leaders are disappointed by guidance handed down yesterday by the Iowa Department of Education.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
New Rules Iowans Must Follow at Restaurants and BarsNew Rules Iowans Must Follow at Restaurants and BarsIowa will lift capacity restrictions today.Mike FerrisMike Ferris
CDC’s COVID-19 Procedures To Follow At Public Pools This SummerCDC’s COVID-19 Procedures To Follow At Public Pools This SummerPools may start opening but that doesn't mean face masks will disappear around pools.Tiffany KayTiffany Kay
Cedar Rapids is Adjusting Its Solid Waste & Recycling ProceduresCedar Rapids is Adjusting Its Solid Waste & Recycling ProceduresOn Friday, the City of Cedar Rapids announced that there would be some changes regarding garbage and recycling pickup within the city.CourtlinCourtlin