Iowa Hawkeye Wave Officially Named Best College Sports TraditionIowa Hawkeye Wave Officially Named Best College Sports TraditionUSA Today has announced that the Hawkeye Wave during Iowa football games has received the 2024 Reader's Choice award for Best College Sports Tradition.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Kid Captain Eve Chooses Iowa Wave Song That Signifies Her BattleKid Captain Eve Chooses Iowa Wave Song That Signifies Her BattleAnother great song choice by a young Iowan whose been treated at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital.Bob JamesBob James
Cy-Hawk Wave Song Signifies Strength for Kid Captain AudreyCy-Hawk Wave Song Signifies Strength for Kid Captain AudreyThis week's Kid Captain is a 7-year-old from Waukee, Audrey Schneller. Eric StoneEric Stone
First Iowa Wave Song Chosen By A Kid Captain Is Beyond FittingFirst Iowa Wave Song Chosen By A Kid Captain Is Beyond FittingProving the power of social media, the artist quickly and positively responded.Eric StoneEric Stone
Sports Retailer Makes Massive Donation to Iowa Wave Shirt FounderSports Retailer Makes Massive Donation to Iowa Wave Shirt FounderThe creators of the original "Iowa Wave" shirt have received a major donation from one of their biggest retail partners.Eric StoneEric Stone
Popular Late-Night Host Mocks Iowa TraditionPopular Late-Night Host Mocks Iowa TraditionA late-night show host recently used a meaningful Iowa tradition to make a controversial point.Eric StoneEric Stone
[Watch] First Iowa Wave of the Season Feels Extra Special[Watch] First Iowa Wave of the Season Feels Extra SpecialThe Iowa wave is back!Kerri MacKerri Mac
Few Fans Saturday at Kinnick Stadium, But Iowa Wave Will ContinueFew Fans Saturday at Kinnick Stadium, But Iowa Wave Will ContinueIowa's home opener will look and sound very different, but a tradition started four seasons ago will continue.Bob JamesBob James
You Can Do the Iowa Wave on Facebook This SeasonYou Can Do the Iowa Wave on Facebook This SeasonOne of the best new traditions in college football will continue this fall, even if we don't have a typical football season.CourtlinCourtlin