The Things Everyone Should Try Before Turning 50
Not that I am dwelling on it, but I just turned 40. I only bring it up again because a new survey confirms there are many adventurous things, and some responsible ones, I and everyone else should do before turning 50.
Call it a midlife bucket list if you will, and I've got ten years to achieve such things as getting a tattoo. No offense, but no thanks. But there are some doable things on the list, including owning a dog. Check. Reading 100 books. I think I might make that one (it didn't specify they all had to be highly known books). It also includes buying a house and having kids. I may not hit those.
Learning a new language is also on the list, as is attending a music festival. But here comes the kicker: seeing your favorite band or artist live.
Also, learning how to say no (the article goes on to specify 'to your mom'. I rarely did or would have said no to my Mom, so I am applying this to people in general).
You can see the whole, partially NSFW list HERE. What are some of the "must do by 50" things you have or haven't achieved that you want to or don't? Share them in the comments.
[Via Daily Mail]