Drive Thru Pancake Breakfast This Saturday at ImOn Ice
Following Tuesday night’s fabulous Balloon Glow Virtual Concert performance with Alisabeth Von Presley, the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival presents another modified tradition for 2020, with a Drive-Thru Pancake Breakfast this Saturday, June 27th at ImOn Ice Arena, 1100 Rockford Rd. SW Cedar Rapids.
It runs from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and costs just $5 per meal. Each breakfast includes 3 pancakes and sausages, banana, granola bar and juice.
Bring $5 cash for each meal, it’s the only form of payment they’ll be set up to handle.
It’s a really great deal because for every meal purchased, you will receive a 2020 Commemorative Button and a Hy-Vee coupon book with over $30 in savings.
Our friends at Built by Pros & the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Building Trades will be flipping the flapjacks. The food has been generously donated by Hy-Vee, and the juice is compliments of Land O'Lakes, and Granola Bars are included with thanks to General Mills.
Another bonus is that a Rally CAP Rally Card comes with each meal purchase, and if you collect four more cards at area local retailers, you can redeem 5 rally cards for a very cool Rally Cap.
A salute to the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival for doing a great job to keep the holiday spirit alive with a new spin on an old tradition. The Drive-Thru Pancake Breakfast will be a big hit and deserves your support.

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